Cycling the Doodle Trail

Bike repair station
My new bicycle arrived a few days ago, and of course I had to find someplace to take it. I haven't owned or ridden on one in a long time, so I needed a bicycle path that wasn't too challenging (such as a rail trail), wasn't far away, and wasn't too heavily trafficked. The Doodle Trail, a rail-trail between Easley and Pickens in Pickens County, fit my criteria nicely.

I walked the trail back in February 2016. Since then the trail has been extended by about mile into downtown Easley, making the total length now about 8 miles. The current Easley trailhead is near the Easley Municipal Court building of NW Main Street, and that's where I started from.
Easley Municipal Court
Court must not have been in session today because the parking lot was nearly empty.

The Doodle Trail crosses over NW Main Street and enters Westview Cemetery at Wilbur Street.
Westview Cemetery
With the recent trail expansion, Wilbur Street has become a one way street for cars on the right hand side, and pedestrians and cyclists on the left hand side.

I didn't take many photos along the way, as concentrating on cycling was plenty enough when you haven't done it in a few decades. I also wanted to keep moving because the temperature was rather hot in the low 90s today. Most of the photos I would have taken would looked much like the ones I took back in 2016 anyway, except for the different season.

The Doodle Park is currently under construction at the intersection of Fleetwood Drive where the original trailhead was once located.
Future Doodle Park - 2
Progress reports on the park are being posted to the Doodle Trail's official Facebook page.

Another new amenity approximately at the halfway point along the trail, or between Elijean Road and Hayes Road, is Rotary Park, dedicated September 2016.
Rotary Park - 2 Rotary Park - 1
For me, this place served its purpose quite well. I rested a few minutes while drinking from a bottle of water.

The trailhead at the Pickens end still looks much the same...
Mile marker 1.0 Pickens trailhead - 1
The former Pickens Railroad buildings will soon be transformed into a park.
Leftover rail - 2
but work is just beginning on the project.

According to my GPS, the trip took about three hours from Easley to Pickens and back, including a few minutes rest now and then.

The new bike did quite well, but I don't like the seat. The seat became uncomfortable after a few miles. I'll want to find a better one sooner rather than later.

I've uploaded shared my photos to an album on Flickr, or you can go through them below:
Cycling the Doodle Trail - Sept 2017


  1. Nice looking bike! I need to get a new one. When I tried paddling that section the gears messed up and I wound up walking much of the way. I also had to get a seat cover for mine.

    It's interesting to see the progress they are making.

    1. Thanks! It looks like improvements to both trailheads should be done or close by the time you get back. I remembered you posted about that, and I found it here.

      BTW, my kayaking friend, I think perhaps you meant "pedaling that section"? lol


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