Falls Creek Falls

Falls Creek Falls - 2
With some time off this week and no bad weather to go with it (for once), I'm finally able to head out and visit a waterfall. I chose Falls Creek Falls in northern Greenville County because I knew from a previous visit a few years ago this one would not disappoint. And it certainly didn't.

From my previous visit, I remembered the trail being steep and strenuous most of the way. My memory can be faulty at times, but not this time.

The parking area and a small trailhead are located off of Fall Creek Road.

I made sure to register at the kiosk first, just in case. I followed the stairs and began the uphill climb.

This trail is well marked with purple blazes.

Eventually, the trail leveled off and then began trending downhill as I neared the crossing over Little Falls Creek.

Soon, the steep uphill climb resumed through a series of switchbacks. At one switchback turn, I heard a waterfall over on Little Falls Creek, now some distance away to the east. Budding trees mostly obscured this waterfall from view however.

This one merits investigating, but not today.

After working my way up even more switchbacks, I could finally hear the roar of the waterfall. Water flow was outstanding today thanks to the heavy rain on Monday.

Fellow hiker and Game of Thrones fan Ed Clem and his wife Clari both visited here in May 2012, and shared some great photos like this one:

I met no other hikers on the trail this time, but I did get asked about the waterfall by an older couple in a car while I was enjoying a post-hike snack.

Photos from this trip are available in a Flickr set and a Google+ album. Edit: I dug into my vault and added photos from my 2010 visit to its own Flickr set.

Going forward, I'll be going on fewer adventures especially when significant distance is involved. Some of my car's engine internals are wearing out and I don't feel like throwing more money at it than I already have. So for now I'm conserving my miles on my current one while I save up for a down payment on another one.


  1. You were able to get some great photos too. Thanks for the mention and I hope you can get your car fixed!


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