Suber Mill historical marker

Suber Mill, the historical marker, and a grinding stone

On June 5, 2012, a historical marker was dedicated at Suber Mill near Greer, South Carolina. I, of course, visited the site as soon as my schedule permitted to visit the marker and the mill.

Suber Mill is one of the few water-powered mills still operating in South Carolina (open Monday-Friday 8a-5p and a few hours on Saturday).  The mill is located on Princess Creek, a branch of the Enoree River and grinds corn to produce cornmeal. The mill began as a saw mill operated by James Suber before the Civil War, with a grist mill added after the Civil War. The current mill was built between 1909 and 1912 by Walter Suber, the son of James Suber.

After taking what I though were my last photos of the trip, I noticed some electric lines crossing Suber Mill Road using insulators exactly matching the ones on the DC electric lines on the abandoned Piedmont & Northern poles in Taylors. Except these lines are active and distribute AC from a substation a short distance away. I thought it interesting such old insulators were still in use here.

I think it's great places like Suber Mill are still around to remind us of how things used to be.


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