Newspaper coverage of Chick Springs

Previously, I detailed the results of my research into the deeds of Chick Springs. This time I show the newspaper coverage I found in Google's news archives. The results are surely not complete due to imperfections in Google's character recognition, but it is a great start for someone looking for more information than the usual summary of the history of Chick Springs.
  • June 10, 1859, The Charleston Mercury, Chick's Springs: This may come as a surprise to you, but advertisements play with the truth at times and this one is no exception. In this case, "mountain air" is overdoing it bit since resort's elevation is about 900ft at best, and the resort is nowhere near a mountain. But it makes good copy.
  • December 16, 1907, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Chick Springs Hotel Burned: The free preview reveals the hotel burned with a loss of about $60,000.
  • May 8, 1913, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, To Chick Springs By Trolley Soon: A short article speculating that the Greenville, Spartanburg, and Anderson Railway Company's interurban will be running to Chick Springs by August 1st. The G. S. & A would soon merge with other railway companies to form the Piedmont and Northern Railway Company or P & N.
  • May 23, 1913, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, Chick Springs and Transportation: Chick Springs is to be renovated!
  • June 12, 1913, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, advertisement: The hotel is scheduled to open for the season on June 14. And be sure to drink copious amounts of the water for your restore your health.
  • August 30, 1913, The Rock Hill Herald, Interurban Line to Spartanburg: The interurban line is nearing completion which means the August 1st date didn't quite work out.
  • September 2, 1913, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, Work Progressing on Interurban: The Enoree River viaduct is complete!
  • February 3, 1914, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, Greenville Capitalists Are Erecting Handsome New Hotel At Chick Springs, Famous Ante-Bellum Health Resort: Detailed plans for the renovation of the hotel are revealed. She must have been a beauty!
  • May 24, 1914, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, Chick Springs Co. Open Warehouse: Spartanburg area residents will be pleased to know the Chick Springs Company has leased a warehouse to ensure residents can drink the copious quantities of Chick Springs water required for their health.
  • July 3, 1914, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, Chick Springs Will Open Today: The new, improved Chick Springs Hotel opens tonight with a formal dance.
  • May 16, 1915, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, Chick Springs Open for the Season: The hotel opened for the season yesterday.
  • May 14, 1916, Atlanta Herald-Journal, Chick Springs Hotel Will Open June 1: The hotel will open for the season on June 1st. Unfortunately, the hotel business tanks because of World War I and the hotel will soon be turned into a military academy.
  • September 3, 1916, Atlanta Herald-Journal, Strong Faculty Secured For New Military School At Chick Springs, S. C.: The first session of the Chick Springs Military Academy begins September 20.
  • February 15, 1919, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, Prospects Bright for Sanitarium: The hotel is to be converted to a sanitarium and will now be known as Steedly's Clinic and Sanitarium.
  • February 19, 1919, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, Fatal Wreck on P. & N. Railroad Near Chick Springs [continued]: A train derailed while passing over the Enoree viaduct near the hotel! Several people were killed, and everyone else was injured. It's a miracle more people weren't killed with that steep drop.
  • March 15, 1919, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, Governor Will Hold Hearings Today, Charter Granted to Steedly Clinic at Chick Springs: Steedly's clinic is a go!
  • October 20, 1920, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, Moose Have Their Eye on Chick Springs Site: The hotel may become the site for aged members of the Loyal Order of Moose. They must have selected another site because I find no further mention of the idea.
  • December 14, 1920, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, The Convention Buys the Baptist Courier: The Baptist State Convention is pondering on buying Chick Springs sanitarium for use as a Baptist hospital. I find no more mention of the idea so their plans must have changed.
  • April 30, 1922, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, Chick Springs Be Opened Monday: The sanitarium is leased for five years to the federal government to provide care and training 250 ex-servicemen.
  • June 15, 1928, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, Chick Springs Put Under New Manager: Now that the government's lease is up, a new manager named Janie Tavelle Diltz has been hired to run the sanitarium.
  • January 12, 1932, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, Dr. Steedly Dies At Chick Springs continued:  Dr. Steedly dies unexpectedly. To read the first part, go to the previous page (page 6 of 10) and tilt your head. No joke!
  • January 12, 1932, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, Physicians Pay Steedly Tribute: Area physicians express their regrets at Steedly's death.
  • January 10, 1935, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, Newsbriefs About The City / Chick Springs Sale: Plans have been announced to sell Chick Springs to Col. A. S. Richardson of Detroit. However, I find no deed recording this action in the Greenville County's Register of Deeds archive so I'll assume the plan fell through.
  • July 16 & 17, 1936, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, Newsbriefs About The City / Dancing Pavillion, advertisement: The Chick Springs Open Air Pavillion opens on July 17 featuring jazz pianist Earl Hines and his Grand Terrace Orchestra.
  • April 21, 1938, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, Hotel is Leased At Chick Springs: R. E. Foil leased the hotel-sanitarium to a Dr. W. T. Bidwell. In other news: a cat in Trenton, NJ adopted some chicks! Awww!
  • February 8-18, 1940, Spartanburg Herald-Journal, Salvaging Chick Springs Hotel: Everything must go! And we do mean everything!
Next time, I'll list some of the events at Chick Springs I found in Google's archives.


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