A cemetery and a ghost sign

This time of year the heat and humidity usually keep me inside where the air is nicely air conditioned, but with the cool and cloudy weather this morning I was ready for a quick and easy adventure.

I first stopped at the site of the Duncan Chapel Methodist Cemetery, better known these days as the Children's Graveyard, located off Old Buncombe Road. When I last visited in 2013, the land was being cleared for development.

Cleared trees
Today a Walmart Marketplace, a gas station, and a parking lot border the cemetery.

The cemetery now is enclosed in a nice black fence.

The whole area has been transformed since my first visit to the cemetery in 2011. This is what the entrance looked like back then:
Entrance to Children's Graveyard
The trees and overgrowth seen in the above photo and in my Flickr album Children's Graveyard - 2011 are gone. The ruins of Thackston Dairy (off the left side of the road) are also gone.

Half a mile north of the Children's Graveyard, also off Old Buncombe Road, is this old building with a ghost sign advertising 7up:

The old building was enough to attract my interest, but the ghost sign made it even more appealing. From my quick internet research, the slogan "Fresh Up with 7up" was used by 7up from the 1930s until the late 1950s.

This building came to my attention a few days ago from a post to a Facebook group I follow. The poster didn't give an exact location, but I was able to locate it using Google Street View.

Photos from today's mini adventure are on an album on Flickr and an album on Google Photos.


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